Concerts & Events
Wedding Cancellation

Program Summary

Wedding insurance protects your investment in your wedding for occurrences such as:

  • Venues not usable
  • Venues & suppliers going out of business or not performing their services
  • Cancellation of the wedding for various causes, such as weather, terrorism, military deployment, airplane delays

Coverage is also included to protect your rings, attire, photographs, video, luggage, presents, cake & flowers, and documents.

The Wedding Cancellation program includes coverage for the rehearsals, ceremony, and reception.

Coverage is available for insured located in the 50 United States & DC for wedding taking place domestically, or in Canada, UK, Mexico, Bermuda, Caribbean Islands (other than Cuba), and cruise ships leaving from ports within these territories.

Personal Liability (Now Available)

Personal liability and host liquor coverage is now available with limits up to $1,000,000.


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Zeboray Is A Registered Trademark Of Greg Zeboray And Used Under license by Zeboray Entertainment Insurance Services, Inc.

Serving Locally, Insuring Globally Since 1995 | CDI # OC79866 | CA NV FL

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